Friday, September 23, 2011

Naomi Watts Shares Her Dreams For Her Boys

Looking beautiful in blue on the cover of the October issue of More magazine, 43-year-old actress Naomi Watts opens up about some pretty big topics, including her hopes for her sons Sasha, 4, and Kai, 2, her late start in motherhood, and her relationship with Heath Ledger.

Like most moms, Naomi harbors some big dreams for her boys. Revealing her most important goal as a mother, she says: "I want them to feel connected to me and me to them. Always. I want them, above all, to feel sure of who they are. That they are safe in the world and confident and happy people. And of course, connected - to their parents, their friends, their family, the world and themselves. This is the most important goal/dream in my life. Everything else is gravy."

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