Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Did Matthew Fox Beat-Up Female Bus Driver?

Wait, wait, wait. I thought party buses were for having a good time, not for getting involved in alleged man on woman violence. Right, Mr. Fox? Well, a claim has been made by the female driver of a party bus that Matthew Fox was apparently cruising around in. The story goes that the actor somehow got involved in an altercation with her that ended with actual violence. Witnesses apparently told police that he struck Heather Bormann ”multiple times in the chest, stomach and groin.” Does that sound like the Jack Shephard that you know? Me, neither. Okay, so he is a little weird. After his epic success with LOST, he claimed that all he wanted to do was move to a ranch house in the middle of nowhere and hang out with his family. A nice idea and everything, but didn’t it seem like coming off of LOST was the perfect time to spark a huge movie career or something? Ah, well. It turns out that prosecutors will not actively pursue charges against the actor, which apparently miffed the woman’s attorney: “This was an unprovoked attack on a woman, with no provocation, by a man… According to Ohio law, that [...]

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/GGdn0hYjUuM/

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