Saturday, November 12, 2011

Penn State President: I'm Appointing an 'Ethics Officer'

Filed under: TMZ Sports

Rodney Erickson
Penn State's new President Rodney Erickson claims he's appointing an "Ethics Officer" to oversee campus officials in a renewed effort to make sure his people don't pull a Paterno.

It's unclear exactly what the new Ethics Officer's duties entail -- but Erickson just sent an email to the entire PSU community, claiming he plans to "revisit all standards, policies and programs to ensure they meet not only the law, but Penn State's standard."

Erickson says the E.O. will oversee this effort and report directly to him.

In his statement, Erickson says, "Never again should anyone at Penn State feel scared to do the right thing" -- a thinly veiled shot at Mike McQueary, whose cowardly inaction seems not to have been "the right thing."

Erickson has not named a possible candidate for the new Ethics position.


Pisces Nathan Quarry

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