Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Hunger Games Trailer VIDEO

The Hunger Games trailer premiered this week and I have to say, it looks like they are going to do good with this movie adaptation. I am not one that really digs movies made from books, but it looks like they put a lot of time and effort into doing this right. The trailer is bananas. For those of you who are not fans or have not yet read the book, here is a brief synopsis: Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister’s place for the latest match. Not the best IMDB, but the film doesn’t come out until March of 2012. If you want more, read the wiki. And you still have time to check out the book. Or at least the first one. It is actually a trilogy and it is pretty darn good. Only one of the 24 selected come out alive, and so they train to fight to the death. The trailer is great but doesn’t really show any action, which is something I am dying to see. Famous faces in [...]

Sagittirus Michael Bisping

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