Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jason Biggs: TIME Magazine's "Are You Wife Enough" Spoof

He's already spoofed the KONY 2012 founder's meltdown earlier this year and now Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen have reenacted one of the most controversial magazine covers to hit the stands.

On Sunday (May 16), the couple paid tribute to Mother's Day and the controversial TIME magazine cover that released last week by showing off a Twitter pic of Jason breastfeeding from his wife with a caption reading, "Are you wife enough?"

The phrase is meant to mock the mag cover that reads "Are you mom enough?" as Jamie Lynne Grumet is seen breastfeeding her three-year-old son. The controversial photo was meant to bring awareness to attachment parenting.

Whether or not the real photo made a positive or negative impact on the parenting method, it's sure making a headline wave around the world!

Rachel would be here Maria Sharapova

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