Wednesday, January 19, 2011

RUMOR CONTROL: Gabrielle Union Denies Being Pregnant

Gabrielle Union has responded to pregnancy rumors that started yesterday after video footgae of her toasting her boyfriend D- Wade and sporting a suspicious rounded belly hit the net.  Find out her response inside...


Call off the Preggers Watch.  Gabby said she aint getting knocked up until she gets married.  Global Grind spoke to Ms. Union about the possible pregnancy, and she responded,

"No, I am not pregnant and please let the world know I will only be pregnant after I am married, and that will be years from now. I want to play roles that let me wear a bikini and run around like a badass! LOL It's kinda hard to do all that with a baby bump!"

She continued,

"When erroneous reports of pregnancy pop up for different actors or artists, that can stop us from getting's hard enough in this recession trying to find a job without our own people putting up unnecessary roadbloacks for us to feed our families."

Ok Gabby.

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