Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dating Don'ts: Please, These 7 Romantic Gestures Need To Go

Romantic Gestures

I have nothing against romance. I like to be wooed. I welcome it. I even like certain traditional romantic gestures; for example, I love to receive flowers. There's no surer way to my heart than to bring me a bunch of peonies. I'll take a beautiful bouquet over diamonds any day. But there are some lovey-dovey gestures that I cannot stomach, things that seriously should have been edited out of the romance handbook. So, guys, if you're going to attempt to woo me—and you are, aren't you?—please, pretty please, don't do the following seven things.

Source Related Photos Kit Cope Amazing Act Seal Amazing Act Jessica Szohr Help Im on fire! Yoshiaki Yatsu


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