Sunday, May 29, 2011

WATCH: Lady Gaga Ziplines Into 'GMA' for 5-Song Concert

WATCH: Lady Gaga Ziplines Into 'GMA' for 5-Song Concert

Lady Gaga kicked off Good Morning America's summer concert series this morning in New York's Central Park with a five-song set promoting her new Born This Way album and her upcoming tour. Even more exciting? The ever-surprising Gaga made a grand entrance by ziplining onto the stage over the heads of her fans, many of whom have been camping out for two days in order to see the concert. Watch her grand entrance below!



Gaga, known for her kooky couture, was dressed in a flowing Red Riding Hood getup (with some white mixed in) for the first number. She floated in on a harness to screams and cheering from the audience, before joining her gaggle of dancers on stage for "Bad Romance."

After performing her first song, she answered some questions from GMA hosts George Stephanopoulos and Robin Roberts, and reiterated her love for her fans (one of the secrets of her success).

Gaga, who recently admitted to being bullied in high school, has an intense relationship with her Little Monsters, many of whom respond to her "born this way" message. This morning, Gaga tweeted, "Ok so I didn't sleep. Too excited to see monsters. Let's hit it Good Morning America." Lady Gaga has such a fan base, in fact, that she recently knocked Oprah Winfrey out of the  No. 1 spot of Forbes' list of the 100 most powerful celebs, an indication of her broad appeal.

Speaking of broad appeal, former baseball player/steroid-user Jose Canseco took to his Twitter feed on Monday and Tuesday to declare his (so far unrequited) love for Lady Gaga. On May 23 he tweeted, "I love lady gaga wish I could meet her. would marry her in a second." Later that day, he wrote, "I am her night in baseball armor." The following day, he again took to his Twitter feed, now sounding a little bit despondent: "Lady gaga where r u did u get my marriage proposal I am at cocoa casino in yuma Arizona."

Lady Gaga has yet to reply -- but her comments on GMA this morning could give Jose a kernel of hope. When asked, "If you had one day to do anything you wanted, what would you do?" Mother Monster replied, "I would want to hang out with my fans and have it not be me." (Fingers crossed, Jose!)

Gaga's set list this morning included new hit "Judas" and "Edge of Glory," and she closed out the concert this morning with an acoustic version of "Hair." Watch that performance below.


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